St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Crewe

Saints Mary's Parish Centre and CARITAS Diocese of Shrewsbury Update: November 2021 - scroll down to see photos below.

12th November 2021
These are images of the site under construction for Saint Mary's Caritas Centre. The footprint has been levelled for piling which has progressed during the past week. The picture to the left shows the former car park and the area where the old parish centre once stood.

3rd December 2021

A total of 38 piles driven into the ground to form the foundations of the new building. Pile caps shown in the photo yet to be cut back to the correct level.

Piling completed. Excavations for new steel reinforcement beginning.

Steel reinforcement for foundations being formed onsite ready to be laid in the ground.

Steel reinforcement bars being laid in the ground.

Bolt boxes being positioned in reinforcement prior to concrete being poured. Correct levels and positioning of the bolt boxes is essential for the steel frame of the building to be fixed onto.

Steel reinforcement work complete and ready for concrete to be poured to form foundations.
10th February 2022
The familiar red bricks of the area are currently rising along the exterior of Saint Mary's Caritas Centre.
We look forward to gathering inside the new build when it is completed.

The site is looking tidy these days as groundworks continue on Saint Mary's Parish Centre.
10th March 2022

11th April 2022

11th May 2022