St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Crewe
St Mary's Crewe
Parish Priest:
Father Nicholas Kern
Personal Assistant to the Parish Priest
and Parish Administrator:
Mrs Joanna Skrzypczyk
Presbytery and Church Office:
13 Gatefield Street, Crewe CW1 2JP
Tel: 01270 212533
Office hours: Monday - office closed
Tuesday - Friday 9am - 3pm Presbytery office.
Saint Mary’s Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Sue Sarson. Sue can be contacted via the Parish Office.
The Parish processes any personal data it receives in accordance with the Diocesan Privacy Notice, which can be found here:
Saturday 21st December – Sunday 29th December Saturday
21st December
11 – 11.45 am Sacrament of Reconciliation
12 noon Mass (Sister Ruth's Intention)
ADVENT – Fourth Sunday Saturday,
21ST December
5:30 pm Mass (Cecelia Baldwin (RIP Anniversary), Patrick Fay (RIP), 2nd Intention: Special Intention to get well for Mark Bevan
7 pm Mass in Polish Language
Sunday 22ND December
9 am Mass (Bridget Patricia Goode (RIP Anniversary), 2nd intention: Joy Joseph Nambiaparambul and Annie Shirley (for good health)
11 am Mass Jose Morais Do Rego, Luciana Da Silva Mesquita and Jorge Emanuel Da Costa Rego (RIP), 2nd Intention: Maria Natalia Freitas (RIP)
12:45 pm Mass in the Polish Language
4pm Mass in Malayalam
Monday 23rd December
Funeral Service of Baby Luna Imara at 12.00
Tuesday, 24th December, Christmas Eve
1 pm Mass in Malayalam
4.30 pm Children’s Nativity
5 pm Mass Nativity of the Lord
6.30 pm Mass Christmas Eve Mass in Malayalam
9 pm Mass in Polish Language – Nativity of the Lord Mass 11.30 pm Carols followed by Midnight Mass in English
Wednesday 25th December, Christmas Day
10 am Mass (Johny Katticaren (RIP), 2nd intention: Clare Meyler (RIP))
12:45 pm Mass in the Polish Language
Thursday 26th December, Saint Stephen
12.00 noon Mass in the Polish Language
7 pm Mass Sister (Vincent de Paul (RIP), 2nd intention: Vinnie Lightfoot (for good health))
Friday 27th December
12.00 noon Mass Sister Ruth Intentions Followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 4.00 pm
Saturday 28th December, The Holy Innocents
11 – 11.45 am Sacrament of Reconciliation
12 noon Mass Saturday,
28th December
5:30 pm Mass Philomena Byrne (RIP Anniverary), 2nd intention: Lorraine Sitzia, Lucy Johnson, and Clémence Vibert (good health)
7 pm Mass in Polish Language Sunday
29th December
9 am Mass (Antonia Da Costa Lima (RIP)
11 am Mass Joao Almeida, Borbara Banaparte, Gabriel Bonaparte De Almeida (RIP), 2nd Intention: Manuel Fernandes and Cristina Xionones
12:45 pm Mass in the Polish Language
4pm Mass in Malayalam
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